June 8, 2020 VIA Singularity University

Impact Spotlight: Highlighting the Work of Paola Santana and Social Glass

For this Impact Spotlight, I would like to highlight the work of Paola Santana and her startup Social Glass.

Paola originally joined SU as a GSP participant in 2011, hailing from the Dominican Republic. Before attending SU, Paola co-established the Dominican Republic’s Constitutional Court, and worked at the National Elections Court coordinating the Elections Litigation Chamber. She was also a Fulbright Scholar who graduated from George Washington University and Georgetown University. In addition to being an SU alum, she is also one of our faculty.

At Singularity University, Paola co-founded the drone transport company Matternet. You can check out her 2015 SXSW talk where she explains more of her life story and why she made the leap from trying to drive social change through governance and law to driving social change though flying robots and entrepreneurship.

After spending five years getting Matternet off the ground (literally) she then launched Social Glass.

Social Glass is her second startup that is working to make our world a better place, this time by using technology to create high performing governments…

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Founders by Platzi Podcast on Spotify (in Spanish)

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GLASS featured on Peter Diamandis’ The Future Is Faster Than You Think

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